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Exposing Apostasy

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Is it OK to eat your baby's clone?

This one is not about parent child communication; this is a current event…

I was struck by the introductory comment on today’s short message called “Just Thinking” by Ravi Zacharias. He started out with this introductory comment:

Science can not tell you if it is right or wrong to eat your own baby’s clone, but it can tell you that’s what you are doing, and then can tell for yourself if you think it is right or wrong.

With an introduction like that, I had to listen. The fuller extent of the story goes on to explain that a chef cooked a human placenta and fed it to people. One person pointed out that this act is an act of cannibalism. Another pointed out that it is the clone of the baby that grew within it.

So, it is right or wrong to eat your own baby’s clone?

Post-modernism has a death-grip on this world. To understand post-modernism, we must go back to modernism. Francis Schaeffer was a prolific author on these two trends. Modernism happened when society as a whole cast off the idea that we can come to truth only by revelation. It believed that truth could be found in the pursuit of knowledge; searching high and low until discovered. Many people wrote what they believed were truths (all contradicting God, of course), but many others intellectually refuted the writings. After a while of this, people came to the thought that indeed, there is no truth; in such a world, people make up their own truths. This is where we are today. Everything is right if it is right for you. Of course, since sin is prevalent in us, what is perceived as right to us is what we desire to do. As our nature, we seek our pleasures and justify them when we get there.

The reality of the matter is that there are absolutes in this world and they extend far beyond a simple thought that only taboos are taboo. In reality, the definition of truth is that which has fidelity to the standard. In a world created by God, the standard is God. John 14:6 says “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In John 3, Christ says that He is the light. It is REALITY. He explains it in full detail in John 3:19-21:

19"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20"For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21"But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."

And this is why people get so offended with the truth claim of Jesus Christ.

Science tells us that we need to decide what is right or wrong based on the facts, God, however, decrees what is right or wrong. You will be tired, worn, and weary as long as you resist the will of God. If you are doing things that bother you, listen to that voice. It is the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit. The scripture reads in 1 Corinthians chapter 6:

9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

But there is also hope to be cleansed, as the next verse reads:

11Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

In conclusion, first, it is wrong to eat your own baby’s clone. Listen to Ravi’s message, he is a very intellectual Christian who can answer a lot of questions; he is one of the regular apologists for the Christian faith that I listen to. The website is: www.rzim.org. Next, if you have not placed faith in Jesus Christ, repented of your sins, and begun the long journey of obedience to the word of God, I encourage you to do so. Please contact me if you would like any further assistance.

Monday, July 25, 2005

To ask or not to ask; that is the question

I just finished reading many books on adult-child communication. This is yet another area where non-Christian society has finally said "My golly, what we are doing is not working!" And then they try to find the way to fix it (without God of course).

I just finished reading some of the books that are supposed to be the best in the field. I found myself crying and praying to God for the duration. That seems to be what I need: A good apostic book to increase my prayer life. There are far too many things to tackle in one post, so I will break it up. This is the first I will tackle.

In the book "Between Parent and Child" by Haim Ginott, (and repeated by his 'disciples'), if your child has done something wrong and you know it, you are not supposed to ask as this places your child in a hard situation (that being to confess or lie), if I remember correctly (the book is packed away, I will confirm this when I get it out of storage) this was brought up under the section on how to encourage your children not to lie. With this in mind, turn in your bible to the book of Genesis and Chapter 3. Verse 11 tells us:

"Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"

To examine this in detail, did God know that Adam and Eve ate from the tree? YES! He knows everything. Did they lie? No, they passed blame and that is just as bad. I agree with Ginott that asking the child WILL place him in a position to lie. That is why you provide the evidence...then he will simply pass the blame. This is HUMAN NATURE..i.e. SINFUL NATURE. What the child needs is to be confronted with the truth of his wrongdoing, admit that he did wrong, admit that he lied (if he did), admit that he shifted the blame (if he did), and accept the responsibility for the action.

The next step is to let him know that God still loves him, you still love him, and let him know that everyone does wrong and his discipline is to help him overcome the desire to do 'bad' things, and that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is suffient to pay the penalty for the sin, but the consequences of the action are still there (i.e. if the child stole, the he still must face the social legal system, though the sin is paid for.) Look in the next few verses. God still loves Adam and Eve, but they still must face the consequences; in this case removal from the garden.

In conclusion, either God did not read and know Dr. Ginott's book, or else Dr. Ginott is missing a few pieces to his logic. We don't need a source to teach us how to effectively communicate with children, we need to exude the love of Jesus Christ and then all this will be added.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Greetings all. Just a short post here to get things under way.

I am a Christian. I have no tolerance for apostasies to the Christian Faith. I will work on this blog to expose some of the apostasies that I see around me as I live my life.

Peace In Christ,